Setup and Run Prebid.js without Any Developer

MonetizeJoy is Prebid.js-as-a-Service for GAM. Over 1 billion impressions were served.

MonetizeJoy makes it easy to build our own Prebid.js solution without spending weeks reading docs and developing. We saw 3x revenue after switching from Adsense. Couldn’t be happier!

– Martin, Manager from

Setup Prebid.js Made Easy

gam push line items

1. Push Prebid Line Items to GAM within Seconds

Simply enable Google Ad Manager (GAM) access, and push line items. Within a few seconds, your Prebid.js order is ready to serve.

add bidder prebid

2. Add Bidders

Simply add everything about your bidders – ads.txt, scripts, notes, and contacts. We will automatically generate the prebid.js script and ads.txt file for you to download or use our hosting.

create ad units

3. Create Ad Units

Add ad units you want to run to your website – then config prebid params for each ad unit, and set up display rules to decide where to show the ad unit. And much more advanced prebid features: refresh, lazy load, fallbacks, and more.

install monetizejoy code

4. Deploy to Your Site

Copy the link and put it between <head> section of every page you want to run the ads. That’s it. Your ad will start serving.

Powerful Prebid.js Manager and AdOps Tools

prebid reporting

1. Real-Time Reporting with Prebid Analytics

Get access to in-depth information with our advanced filter. You can break down reports by URL, Bidder, Hour of day, and more. Thus, you know your data so you can optimize them better!

manage prebid with excel csv

2. Bulk Manage Bidders with Excel / CSV

You can bulk-add ad units with CSV. That saves hours of time from manual entry.

edit bidder

3. Add or Remove Bidder Effortless

If you have a new bidder, simple add it in the dashboard and everything will be updated automatically. Or you can click pause to remove stop a bidder.

prebid report timezone

4. Multiple Time-Zone Reporting

You may find different time-zone used by different SSPs and it’s easy to verify their data by Google Ad Manager. With our prebid.js analytics, you can create any time-zone and compare the data with any of your bidder’s reporting.

ads txt manager

5. Ads.txt Validator and Manager

When you add or remove bidders, we automatically update your ads.txt. We validate and dedupe the ads.txt so you don’t lose money.

amazon aps integration

6. Easy APS Integration

Just add Amazon Publishing Service as a bider, then enter your pub ID, you will start running UAM/TAM with Prebid.

Keep Your Site Fast

Core web vitals publisher ads

Improve Core Web Vitals for Your Site

Although our script is fast in general, you can even keep your site running faster with ad tech and optional configs that prioritize site speed and SEO. Simply switch your site config to improve CVW.


Contact us for a volume discount, or advanced Prebid Analytics tracking.


  • Prebid.js Hosting: 10M requests
  • Ads.txt Hosting: Unlimited

  • Prebid.js Management
  • Ads.txt Management
  • Up to 5 Sites


  • Prebid Analytics
  • Unlimited Prebid Setups

  • All in Free
  • Prebid.js Hosting: Unlimited requests
  • Unlimited Sites
  • Optimize for Core Web Vitals
  • Advanced Ad Setup (Ad Fallback etc.)
  • Advanced Ads.txt Optimization (Beta)
  • Customer support
  1. Impressions are bids that won both prebid and ad server auctions (adRenderSucceeded event).
  2. Prebid Analytics: Only include adRenderSucceeded events.